WANO Peer Review Started at Kursk NPP
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#196November 2017

WANO Peer Review Started at Kursk NPP

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An international team of 27 experts from 10 countries (Brazil, Hungary, Belarus, Armenia, Iran, Taiwan, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic) will spend two weeks analyzing key information about the Kursk NPP to examine its compliance with WANO recommendations. The peer review follows new guidelines set out in WANO’s Performance Objectives and Criteria. Having received necessary information about the operation of Kursk NPP during preliminary contacts, experts will clarify how adequate the preliminary assessment is and how operational procedures affect safety of the plant. The peer review extends beyond mere operating functions, which are usually performed by the plant’s relevant structural units, to cover general performance, overall organization and interaction between functional units of the facility. These areas include work process management, design basis management, equipment reliability, operational experience, organization efficiency, etc. Following the peer review, the international expert team will identify improvement priorities, strengths, and best practices to be introduced at other nuclear facilities.