The Vietnamese specialists at the Rostov NPP
back to contentsThe training is being conducted within the limits of Intergovernmental Agreement between Russia and Vietnam on cooperation in the construction of NPP on the territory of Vietnam. “Besides professional training the program includes handling technical documentation, safety arrangements, studying Russian standards and quality specification demands at the NPP objects,” – noted Alexander Chegodaev, the Head of the Department of Personnel of NIAEP at the meeting with Vietnamese specialists.
At the “Akkuyu” construction site, Turkey, there was held the second meeting of the construction control team, where the questions connected with speeding up of building and assembly works, ordering the main equipment in 2013, signing up design contracts and other were discussed. The members of the control team met with the heads of Turkish companies, who would be looking forward to be contractors for building and assembly works of the NPP. As a result the decision to conduct a seminar with Turkish companies in order to discuss technical and financial questions of the NPP objects construction was made. The members of the Turkish companies were also offered to visit the construction sites of the Volgodonsk (Rostov region) and Belarus (Grodno region) NPPs.
Attila-Sitar Chanadi, a General Director of the Russian-Hungarian company Ganz EEM (part of Atomenergomash, machine building division of Rosatom) visited Jordan with governmental delegation. During this official visit the PM of Hungary made an offer concerning the two countries cooperation in the training of specialists for atomic energy sphere. After meeting the businessmen from Jordan the General Director of Ganz EEM said that, in his opinion, Jordan and other Arab countries offer good business opportunities since they represent traditional market for Ganz EEM.
In 2012 Rosatom saved RUB 20 billion in procurement yearly program, said Roman Zimonas, Procurement Director of the State Corporation. This success, he thinks, is due to the wide scale red tape reduction program in the atomic industry. Thus in 2012 a big work was conducted in order to reduce the terms of procurement procedure and its labor effort. In 2012 the control system of discharge of contracts made upon procurements will be improved. They are also looking forward for complex automation of procurement. In 2013 Rosatom is planning to conduct 29 thousand open competitive procedures for the total of RUB 483 billion.
The representatives of Fortum Power and Heat, a Finnish energy company, together with STUK, Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, visited the Leningrad NPP-2 for discussing further Russian-Finnish partnership in the nuclear field. The Finnish specialists among all demonstrated the new capabilities of Apros – the sample software for multifunctional modeling. The system can be used for automated control systems, for safety analysis, for the full imitation of all technological procedures of NPP and personnel training. The Finnish offer is based on the long-term productive partnership between Fortum and Leningrad NPP. The positive experience of the “Loviisa” NPP (Finland) in information technologies application is supposed to be taken as a model in the project implementation.
AKME-engineering, a Rosatom company, has announced competitive negotiations on the procurement of Automatic Process Control System (ASU TP) for the experimental-industrial power unit with SVBR-100. The negotiations will be conducted in two stages. The initial (maximum) prize of the contract is RUB 190 million. The participation requests will be accepted until noon, April 3, 2013. The work is planned to be finished by December 2014. “Being a client, we on the one hand are aware that the SVBR-100 is a venture project, but on the other, we have plans and opportunity to take it to commercial serial production. That means that the two factors will be taken into consideration yet while planning the control system”, – said Vladimir Petrochenko, AKME-engineering General Director.
Sergey Kiriyenko, Rosatom General Director, signed an order of giving a category of “Strategic Investment Project” to the plan of creating an Experimental Demonstration Center (ODC) for SNF processing at GKhK in Krasnoyarsk. The project coordinators, a client and a developer are already known. GKhK (Mining and Chemical Combine) is an appointed service provider of the ODC. The exact “roles” of the ODC participants given means the start of the project realization. “According to the schedule the terms of the equipment delivery for the ODC is the year 2016. Which means that the main part of the equipment is to be ready by 2015, while 2013 and 2014 will be spent for R&Ds and developments completion”, – emphasized Pyotr Gavrilov, the GKhK Director.