Getting Ready to Launch
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#11April 2013

Getting Ready to Launch

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The Novovoronezh NPP-2 is two power units with VVER-1200 reactors based on the “AES-2006” design. Rosatom has plans to build units 3 and 4. “As soon as we launch the first unit, we will apply to the RF Government asking to speed up the work on the next two units” – says Kiriyenko.

Today’s work on the site is mounting of the polar crane runway of unit 2. The rail runway is a circus of 41.5 m in diameter, and more than 130 m long. The crane is used for mounting and assembly of the main technical equipment (pile assembly, steam generators, pressurizer). At the same time the test preassembly of the railtrack was started, helping to sufficiently reduce the terms of work and labor effort, improving quality. The next two years the construction investments will be about RUB 66 million, while the total cost of the two units is estimated as RUB 22 billion.

We shall remind you that the NVNPP is being constructed by Atomenergoproyekt, the Rosatom engineering company, the General Designer of the following projects: the Smolensk NPP-2 (Russia), the Bushehr NPP (Iran), Kudankulam NPP (India), the Akkuyu NPP (Turkey).

Completion of Rostov
Building activities are in full swing at other Rosatom sites. The Rostov NPP units 3 and 4 are growing fast. The final stage of concreting of the reactor containment of unit 3 has started, with the mounting of the reactor containment prestress system to follow in June. This system provides tightness of the main circulation circuit and protects pile assembly from external action.

Besides at unit 3 construction site the soaking and passing for assembly of reactor containment cable shafts have been finished. So that electrical installation organizations could start cable laying, which will be about 10,000 km. The average amount of the cable laid per day is 10 km. During the laying the power will be supplied to sections with the equipment already installed to its proper position which means the beginning of start-up and commissioning work on the unit. In other words, the preparation to the pile assembly supply to the site is going on.

Everything on Schedule
The Kursk NPP-2 preparatory period works are going on according to the schedule. Today most of planned work is done, says Igor Kruuz, Director of Construction of Kursk NPP-2. Special attention is paid to design and cost estimate documentation of the town of Kurchatov residential houses. Besides the development of design documentation for repair and recovery activities for the existing objects of the Kursk NPP-2 is being worked on. The base is planned to be used for substitution units’ construction.

Russians in Turkey
Some important events have recently taken place at foreign sites as well. Thus, Atomenergoproyekt (Rosatom engineering company, General Designer of the Akkuyu NPP in Turkey) is opening its branch in Ankara, the main task of which is to help organizing the AEP specialists’ work at the Akkuyu plant. The other responsibility will be visas and related documents. The employees of Atomenergoproyekt have been doing surveying for the NPP construction since 2011 – including ordance survey, coordination and control of research conducted by Turkish contractors.

The site of the NPP is constantly being visited by designer specialists and other AEP officers. The Akkuyu NPP is planned to consist of four power units with the total capacity of 4800MW. The first unit is to be put into operation within seven years from the moment of issuing of all documentation and licensing necessary for the construction.

Belarus Ahead of Schedule
The working schedule at the Belarusian NPP is very tense. The task of the government is to complete three times more work than the last year. According to Yuri Pustovoy, the Director of Belarus NPP Construction at NIAEP, in September 2013 it is necessary to complete work on all 62 facilities of the construction support base and off-site grids and utilities, which support operations of the construction base.

He named the priority facilities as follows: off-site pipelines and engineering utilities related to the household and drinking water and firewater supply; special metalwork and reinforcement bar building with an unheated warehouse; water treatment facilities, specifically, off-site pipelines and facilities related to household and process sewerage and storm water drains. Commissioning works at these facilities are planned to start in April. To remind: on the 1st of February 2013 the excavation of foundation pit for unit 2 was started. At present, the work is carried out in parallel at two power units.