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#11April 2013

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Iran’s recent earthquake didn’t affect the work of the Bushehr NPP built by Russian specialists. They reported not to have felt any earth shocks on the site. On 16 April 2013, an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck the country. According to the US Geological Survey the epicenter was located near the border with Pakistan, in 86 kilometres of the town of Khash. The local “Press.TV” channel reported the death of at least 40 people.

The earthquake was also felt in some neighboring countries: Pakistan, several countries of the Persian Gulf and even the capital of India. Earlier two more earthquakes had occurred in Iran, with the magnitude 6,3 and 5,4, at a distance of 90 km from Bushehr. Back then the Russain side reported that the NPP remained unaffected.

Rosatom was given the 2013 IT-LEADER Award, the ceremony having taken place on April 19 in Moscow. The nomination was “For outstanding contribution in the development of information technologies.” The national annual award has been given for 11 years (since 2002) and is the only award of the information technologies industry in Russia. The organizing committee includes the Association of Managers of Russia, CROC company, magazines Itogi, Intelligent Enterprise, CIO: Chief Information Officer.

The independent observer is KPMG. The award advisory board includes Club 4CIO.Ru, St. Petersburg Club of IT-Directors – SPb CIO Club, Urals Club of ACS Professionals, Club of IT-Directors of Tatarstan TATCIOCLUB and “yaITi” Club of Central Federal Region .

Rosatom topped the rating of procurement manageability of state corporations and companies owned by the federal government of 2012. The rating was prepared by Expert RA rating agency under order of National Association of Insitutes of Procurement (NAIZ) . The research covered 16 major state companies, the participants were estimated upon 4 factors: procurement system correspondence to legislative requirements and main principles of business organization in the field; informational transparency of the company, procurement announcement system and the fulfillment of a published year plan of procurement; anti-corruption mechanisms usage. According to the rating, Rosatom lead the list with the result 4,73 in the “Companies with high procurement efficiency” section. The second was RusGidro (4,24), the third – FSK EES (4,2)

Three developments of RFNC-VNIIEF got awards at the 41 International Exhibition of Inventions, which was held in PalExpo Exhibition Center (Geneva, Switzerland) on April 10-14. The exhibition displayed about 1,000 exhibits of 725 participants from 45 countries. The Geneva exhibition is considered the largest across the world. Preliminary estimates have shown that the exhibition of inventions had been visited by more than 60,000 people this year. At the Geneva exhibition the Sarov-based nuclear center displayed three developments and all were given awards and certificates by the adjudicators. The “Radioisotope heat source” was awarded with a gold medal and honors certificate, and a special prize, i.e. the cup from the Ministry of Education of Romania. The “Technique of hardware protection against shock impacts was given a gold medal and certificate. Lastly, the “Viscous fluid mixer”was given a bronze medal and certificate.

The machine engineering works ZiO-Podolsk (part of Atomenergomash system) has won the tender for manufacturing of the reactor and other vessel-type equipment of RITM-200 installation intended for the multi-purpose nuclear ice-breaker of the new generation. The total cost of the contract is RUB 1.3 billion. The nuclear-propelled ship’s detailed design was produced by CDB Aisberg; the integral reactor’s design was developed by OKBM Afrikantov (part of the division Atomenergomash). Ordered by OKBM Afrikantov, the vessel-type equipment of the reactor installation should be made by ZiO-Podolsk and delivered to the Baltijskiy Zavod-sudostroyenie (shipbuilding) in December 2015.

OKBM Afrikantov will assemble the reactor. RITM-200 is a two-reactor installation that has thermal power capacity of 175 MW at each reactor; this exceeds power capacity of KLT reactors in use at existing nuclear icebreakers (140-150 MW). At this, it is lighter and smaller by about two times, occupies less space of the ship and more efficient in terms of operation and cost.