Touch the Project
back to contentsAt the opening ceremony of the V International Exhibition, a part of the forum, the first Vice-PM of Belarus Vladimir Semashko emphasized that the first NPP in the country, which is to be launched in 2018, will be one of the most reliable in the world. “The plant will be equipped with all elements of active and passive protection” – he said. –“We also try to make the plant the most economic both in terms of capital outlays and operating”.
Today the preparation period for power unit 1 building is coming to its end. “We are 4 months ahead of schedule”, – reported Yury Pustovoy, the Head of the General Designer’s, NIAEP, office in Belarus. He also noted that the term of construction can be reduced on the whole by eight-nine months. This year the core melt trap will be delivered to site, the pile assembly and turbines are already ordered. “The expenses on these two positions are 40-50% of the total cost of the equipment”, – said the representative. At the exhibition the representatives of Russian companies gave some details of the technologies applied in atomic construction projects. By the way, the Belarus NPP is being built along AES-2006 design whose interactive model was the main highlight of the exhibition. The huge screen, showing the main NPP buildings, attracted not only specialists, but also suppliers, students, journalists.
“Just touch the picture on the screen and you are in the turbine hall. Here are the pipelines, generator, turbine, pumps. It is true that the model is designed for laymen”, – says the owner of the digital miracle, Constantin Ilyinsky, from the SPbAEP engineering company. –Although the experienced specialists take a close look of the schemes, recognize the familiar equipment and start conversations with other viewers. Some exchange business cards”.
“AES-2006 design is of the III+ safety generation, – joins the conversation Alexander Kuzin, the VNIPIET representative (Rosatom scientific block enterprise, the leader on the nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste management market). – This design is being used for the Leningrad NPP-2 and Baltic NPP construction”. Besides, under the name of MIR.1200, the design takes part in the tender for further construction of the Temelin plant in the Czech Republic.
Asking Suppliers
The suppliers gave the audience full details about their production manufacture process to. Machine builders from Volgodonsk told about package units for the Belarus NPP. “The first portents will be the core melt trap, – says Vladimir Semikopenko, the representative of Atommash (NPP equipment producer). – For power unit 1 it will be delivered as early as this November, for unit 2 – in April 2014. The equipment of about 7 meters in diameter is supposed to be shipped first by sea to Kalinigrad, then overland.
The next “lot” will be the pile assembly”. Izhora plants, the Atommash main rival, will produce only details for the NPP in Belarus. Nearby there was a booth of the Central Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (part of Rosatom machine building division – Atomenergomash), which made an upgrade of the pumping equipment design for the future NPP. According to the specialists, the whole experience in the sphere of MCP (main circulation pump) design and operation, both of Russian and foreign plants, was taken into consideration.
Today lubricooling of the pump bearing is done with water; the designers don’t use oil anymore. Several Russian organizations together are currently busy creating automated control system of the technological process. The big interest was attracted by the technology of automated welding of the main circulation line, offered by NIKIMT- Atomstroy engineering company. This welding complex is already being applied by adjusters of the first reactor vessel of the Novovoronezh NPP-2. This fast and high-quality complex is four times cheaper than its American analog.
“Our task is to establish contacts with the Belarus side and provide the construction with our equipment”, – says Boris Ryabichenko, the Head of Welding Research Department of NIKIMT. Small Russian companies also hope to enter the Belarus market. Thus, Liskimontazhkonstruktsiya from Voronezh region produces pipeline details for NPPs. “We have already supplied our products to Novovoronezh and Kursk NPP”, – says the company’s representative. Long-sited local atomists found interesting the offers of Atomenergoremont (maintenance, repair and modernization of NPP and other industrial and power enterprises).
The launch of unit 1 is not far away, while iron needs good care from the first day of its use. A good repair will be in need, knowing how to exclude any deficiency that may result in unscheduled shut-downs. “On the whole the cooperation will give a new push to the republic’s industrial potential development. Rosatom has things to offer in this field, – summed up Alexander Merten, Rusatom Overseas Vice-President. –Today the project of building of 28 power units is being realized, 19 of those are abroad. Besides we supply nuclear fuel for 76 reactors in 15 countries. We hope to find common ground with our Belarus partners both in nuclear and other spheres”.