High Trust
back to contentsBelarusian head of the state at the meeting suggested they should discuss the situation at the NPP construction site. “I’m taking into consideration that we borrowed money from Russia, about $10 billion, the cost of a plant. We’ve found a contractor to build it, – said Alexander Lukashenko. – Being sound stewards, we are thinking of counting the money well and choosing most reasonable options, of good quality and high safety. That must be the main thing I have to control being a President”.
Confirming obligations
Sergey Kiriyenko, in his turn, thanked the Belarusian party for its high trust. “We understand the degree of our responsibility. We have to build the safest station; it should be reasonably cheap – as it can be without doing any harm to quality and efficiency. It also should be built in quite a short period of time, involving maximum number of Belarusian enterprises, especially construction ones, – said Sergey Kiriyenko. – I confirm all these obligations. That’s what we are doing. On the whole I believe the situation on site is good”. Starting from November 2013 at the NPP unit 1 there have been foundation works in progress for unit’s buildings, including reactor building. On unit 2 there are preparation works for foundation; the beginning of construction itself is planned for the first quarter of 2014.
There are 9 Belarusian and 1 Russian construction organization currently working on site, the total amount of staff is more than 2 thousand people. In 2014 the number will grow up to 3,4 thousand. The scope of construction and mounting works for 2014 is planned for the sum of RUB 8 billion, which is twice more than the previous year.
Together to other countries
Rosatom also decided to involve Belarusian companies showing good results at the Belarus NPP site in implementation of projects in other countries, as said Sergey Kiriyenko at the meeting. “I really count on this, that we’ll learn it a little here first (while building the NPP – ed.note) and further will build together on other sites”, – said Mr. Lukashenko. –If we learn how to build NPP, we’ll be ready to move along with you, building plants with your technologies all over the world”.
“That’s right. To tell you the truth, we also were seeing this experience as perspective for our future together, – said Mr. Kiriyenko. – We indeed are ready to offer further work options for mostly qualified organizations which will show good results at the construction”. The head of Rosatom said that “today our stock of orders has 22 units all over the world already contracted”. He reminded about recently signed contract with Hungary, about Finnish and Jordanian tenders won. “Our negotiations start from the initial price of $5 billion per unit, while the recently won tenders offer higher prices”, – said Mr. Kiriyenko. – This means an enormous scope of contracts: 22 contracted units cost more than $110 billion”.