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In Cadarache (France) on the ITER Project Council intersessional meeting the ITER General Director Osamu Motojima and Director of Russian ITER Project Center, A.V. Krasilnikov signed an agreement on supplying panels for the ITER first wall (179 specially loaded first wall panels, which is 40% of the reactor wall total area. The cost of works, according to international estimations, is about EUR 60 million. This is the third-big contract for Russia to fulfil at the ITER construction; now one of the most complicated systems of the reactor is on, for which Russia supplies final (ready to be installed) devices. In 2014-2015 a full-scale first wall panel prototype is to be produced and tested and the issuing of working design documentation for 40 options of panels’ design is to be completed.
100% Quality Performance
Energomashspetstal (EMSS, part of machine-building division of Rosatom – Atomenergomash) conducted final acceptance of delivery of two mining machinery drive shafts produced by Siemag Tecberg (Germany). Dirk Schneider, the representative of the company’s quality service, having visited Ukrainian enterprise, confirmed 100% quality performance of work. “It was the first time EMSS produced completely mechanically finished shafts. Before they used to produce them as work parts”, – said Yury Shprotko, head of Sales Department of Shipbuilding and Half-Finished Materials Production. Siemag Tecberg, a company specializing on lift systems for mines, air cooling systems in mines and tunnels, is EMSS’s new partner. The contract for the drive shafts’ production, which will be used as details of mines’ lift systems, was signed last August. In 2014 EMSS is planning to produce 8 more.
Possible Partnership
The delegation of Belarusian National Academy of Science visited one of Russia’s major nuclear technology and engineering research and development centers – of Dollezhal Scientific Research and Design Institute for Energy Technologies (NIKIET). Belarusian scientists showed interest in the Institute’s newest developments in the field of research reactors. Mr. Dragunov, the Institute’s Director, told the visitors about the Institute’s spheres of work and capabilities; the guests were offered a presentation of new NIKIET’s offer for potential clients. The parties discussed in detail their possible partnership in preparing engineering-and-economical materials and necessary conditions for it. At the end of the meetings the parties agreed to keep in touch after agreeing upon terms and conditions of the cooperation with Rosatom.
Speed Up the Ruppur NPP
NIAEP-ASE, united engineering company of Rosatom, is looking forward to speeding up the process of preparation for construction of the Ruppur NPP in Bangladesh. “After elections conducted, after the political situation in the country is stabilized, the key-people of the Bangladeshi Cabinet of Ministers appointed, we are hoping the process will go faster”, – said the company’s representative on February, 20. At the end of January appeared the news concerning the intention of Bangladeshi government to reduce the project’s budget by 62%, down to $60 million in the current financial year. A comment of a representative of the Ministry of Research and Technology was that the decision had been caused by unreadiness of the Russian party to provide a state credit for the plant’s construction. According to him, the Russian party explains its position, saying that the project implementation is going too slowly.