Construction of Belarus NPP: In scheduled time
back to contentsBelarus nuclear power plant is being built on the site in Grodno Region. The first reactor is planned to commission in 2018 with the second reactor to follow in 2020. At the recent meeting of the plant construction control panel Yuri Pustovoy, the Director of the representation office in the Republic of Belarus, said the plant construction would be completed in scheduled time.
“The site of Belarus NPP is prepared for handling heavy items and structures; concreting of the first reactor inner containment is underway,” Pustovoy reported. Concreting of the inner containment has started at Unit 1. Concrete will be poured up to elevation 4 of the first tier. Installation of the core catcher is planned. Recently, a lifting crane Liebherr-11350 (1,350 tons of lifting capacity) has been installed. It will be used to handle heavy-weight items and structures, including the core catcher, reactor vessel and steam generators.
Delivery included
Russian equipment deliveries to the plant continue. In November, the Ukrainian works of ROSATOM, Energomashspetsstal (EMSS, part of the machine engineering division) shipped off another batch of component parts for steam generators, reactor coolant pumps and main circulation pipelines. The company plans to complete the order for equipment blanks for Belarus NPP before the end of 2014.
Also, recently, the core catcher arrived at the construction site of Belarus NPP to fit its Unit 2. The system was manufactured by Volgodonsk Branch of AEM-technologies (also part of ROSATOM’s machine engineering division, Atomenergomash).
The core catcher was delivered to Belarus nuclear power plant by water ways and by road. CEO of AEM-technology Yevgeny Pakermanov noted: “A great work was done to deliver the equipment to Belarus NPP via a new route. In future, it will help us deliver the equipment for the nuclear power plant through Russia and Belarus without transit across third countries.”
Meantime, ROSATOM’s machine engineering company based in Hungary, Ganz EEM, has started making eight high-capacity circulation pumps for Belarus NPP. The pumps are designed for the cooling system. Before launching the pumps manufacture the company will make a small-scale mock-up of large-size pumps to confirm parameters of the future equipment.