Fuel returns
back to contentsSpent nuclear fuel containing highly enriched Uranium of the Russian origin is exported within the Initiative on global threat reduction of the US National Nuclear Security Administration. US and Russia governments signed the cooperation agreement on nuclear fuel export of foreign research reactors. By this time more than 70 kg of HEU were already shipped from Kazakhstan to Russia. Another 30 kg, removed from fresh fuel were diluted in the territory of Kazakhstan at Ulba metallurgical plant. It is planned to export the remaining 50 kg of highly enriched material to Russia soon.
SF with the total mass of 36 kg of heavy metal was shipped to Russia recently from the territory of the Institute of nuclear physics near Alma-Ata for processing. Spent fuel was delivered in two air flights. Experts from Kazakhstan, Russia, USA, representatives of IAEA took part in the operation.
Almost one ton of HEU SF of Russian origin was already exported by this time from Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Libya, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
Spent fuel is shipped in TUK-19 containers of Russian manufacture. The containers are specially designed for transportation of research reactors fuel and can be received at the majority of facilities. The container body is made of stainless steel. TUK-19 contains four SFAs. After unloading these SFAs can be reused for transportation of the next batch.