Unit under warranty
back to contents2015 will become extremely important in development of Russian-Indian relations in the nuclear sphere. The unit was put in guarantee operation at the end of 2014. “Together with the Indian partners we have worked a long and fruitful way of cooperation on the first unit of Kudankulam NPP. Guarantee operation testifies, first of all, to successful completion of all necessary works and tests of the unit, and secondly, to implicit confidence from the Indian partners to Russian nuclear technologies. The plant has already generated billions of kilowatt-hours of electric power for the power supply system of India and its future contribution to stable, reliable power supply of the country cannot be overestimated”, – noted Valery Limarenko, president of the Russian incorporated company NIAEP — “Atomstroyexport”.
Kudankulam NPP project includes harmonious combination of traditional active and newly designed and implemented passive safety systems. A number of systems corresponding to post-Fukusima requirements of IAEA was implemented at the NPP. “It is remarkable that transition to the warranty period of the power unit operation allowed Indian colleagues taking it to the commercial operation mode. I am sure that the nuclear plant will prove in the future to be as the reliable generation facility, sustainably supplying electric power to consumers in the country”, — says Andrey Lebedev, vice-president of the incorporated company.
The first unit of Kudankulam NPP is currently the most powerful nuclear power unit in India. NPCIL is the customer under the project and the plant operator. The agreement on construction of the first and second units of this NPP with VVER-1000 reactors with 1000 MW electric capacity each is implemented on the Russian side by NIAEP-ASE, and by NPCIL on the Indian side. Kudankulam NPP construction is based on NPP-92 project, which completely meets requirements of modern regulatory and technical documents of Russia, IAEA; it is certified to conformity to European Utility Requirements for LWR Nuclear Power Plants (EUR).