At foreign construction sites
back to contentsLevan Dzhagarjan, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Iran has informed that Russia is interested in the progress of extensive works at the site within implementation of the prime contract under Busher-2 project in autumn of this year.
“Intergovernmental protocol and contract were signed in November of last year in Moscow, which established all necessary legal and organizational conditions for our authorized organizations to commence works at the site of the second construction phase of the NPP. According to provisions of this protocol we operatively accomplished the procedures on assigning the authorized organizations,” he reminded. “We plan to complete in August the engineering survey stage that will allow obtaining the initial data necessary to start designing. We assume that this meets interests of both parties”.
According to the intergovernmental agreement, ROSATOM experts will take part in construction in eight power units in Iran with Russian VVER reactors “on a turn-key basis” (four power units at the site of Bushehr NPP and four power units at another site). Thus the parties intend to ensure the maximum participation of Iran enterprises and organizations in all works related to construction of new units at the sites, including their operation and decommissioning.
Deliveries for Hanhikivi
ROSATOM makes preparations for commencement of works at another foreign site in Finland. Rusatom Overseas (promoting ROSATOM services in the foreign markets), being the general contractor of Hanhikivi NPP construction, has signed a number of contracts with key subcontractors following the results of tendering procedures.
TITAN-2 concern will be responsible for site preparation, civil and erection works, development of the project and delivery of all necessary materials and equipment (except for the long-lead equipment) for all nuclear island facilities, power generation complex and all auxiliary facilities, as well as construction of buildings and roads, laying of municipal and utility networks, project development and instrumentation delivery, as well as for improvement of the site landscape.
Atomenergomash, the machine-building and engineering division of ROSATOM, will deliver the complete set of basic long-lead equipment for Hanhikivi NPP, including equipment of the nuclear steam generating plant. Experimental machine design bureau GIDROPRESS, being the general designer of VVER rector technology, will provide the baseline design and will render other necessary services concerning the nuclear island equipment.
“Conclusion of contracts with key subcontractors means transition of Hanhikivi project to the next important stage.This unbars the path to participation in construction of the nuclear power plant for many local companies.We asked our suppliers, first of all — TITAN-2, to begin direct negotiations as soon as possible with Finnish and international companies on a wide range of works, products and services, which will be organized using subcontracting at the local level.
We will observe of the course of such meetings and negotiations together with Fennovoima company, the plant customer.Rusatom Overseas will hand over the information gathered earlier on potential local subcontractors to TITAN-2, which will provide consistency of operations within the project”, pointed out Vadim Ryabov, the assistant to the general director under Hanhikivi project of Rusatom Overseas company.
“Finland has a long-term experience in nuclear power.Therefore local companies will be involved for performance of the basic part of civil works, and TITAN-2 experts will perform the hi-tech works demanding special qualification, based on the experience of Leningrad NPP-2 reference plant construction. Development of the procedure for selection of subcontractors has started currently in TITAN-2; documents for the tendering process are under preparation, which will take into account the requirements of both Russian and Finnish legislation.Documents will be presented on the company web-site already in the beginning of March.And in the end of March we will hold the first workshop for Finnish companies interested in joint construction of Hanhikivi NPP, and we will open TITAN-2 representative office in Pyhäjoki.All information on the course of project implementation by TITAN-2 company will be soon available on the English version of the company web-site in “Hanhikivi Project” section,” informed Alexander Zmihnovsky, the Hanhikivi project head of TITAN-2.