Atom for the oil scene
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#76February 2015

Atom for the oil scene

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Tankers accompanied by nuclear ice breakers (including the “50 Years of the Victory” nuclear ship) deliver raw materials for the European consumers. At first the oil is delivered through the pipeline 103 kilometers long to the coast of the gulf of Ob. Then it is delivered using hoses over ice directly to sea class tankers. Another three days are spent for loading into the ship. Thus, 50 thousand tons of Novoportovskoe oil will be shipped to the end of winter. This scheme is temporary. Since 2016 the raw materials will be pumped into tankers using the crude oil loading terminal of tower type. Works on it will be completed this year, which will allow increasing the scope of supply. Moreover, Atomflot plans to construct by 2020 another three new nuclear ice breakers for operation in Yamal. Vyacheslav Ruksha, FSUE Atomflot General Director, informed: «This will allow us thinking for the first time about the year-round navigation along the whole Northern Sea Route; thereby, it will allow for the first time providing with our hydrocarbon — oil and gas — the entry into the Pacific markets, and not just into the markets of Atlantic».