R&D of Rosatom’s mining arm at its best
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#76February 2015

R&D of Rosatom’s mining arm at its best

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Over this period, 14 projects were fulfilled to the total amount of 96.4 mln rubles. Noteworthy, their payback period equals 1–3.5 years, while economic effect exceeds the incurred costs by the factor of 2.4. One of the most important projects involves final extraction of uranium reserves from the bottom of the Tulukui quarry by low-cost geotechnological methods. This project applies a wide array of technologies for processing low-grade and non-commercial raw materials. Also, an ore preparation facility was commissioned. All this helps to extend the enterprise’s resource base, reduce end-product prime cost and commence reclamation of soil surface and the Tulukui quarry. Economic benefit to be gained from implementation of this project is expected to exceed 100 mln rubles.