Approved by European Commission
back to contentsEarlier this month the EURATOM Supply Agency signed off a fuel supply contract between two countries. The Minister called the EC approval a milestone and a step forward towards Paks capacity expansion.
Mr. Lázár reminded that the deal was preceded by a fully-fledged information war. A month and a half ago reports appeared in Western media that EURATOM and the European Commission were allegedly opposing the Russian-Hungarian cooperation in the energy field. The Hungarian Government denied the news saying that the issue would be resolved in close contact between the parties. Following constructive talks, the European Commission signed off the contract to put an end to the dispute. The Minister made a specific point that the Hungarian Government succeeded in convincing the European Commission by emphasizing that the deal would contribute to energy security in Europe and Hungarian independence from gas supplies, and would not increase its dependence on Russia.
János Lázár reminded that Russia and Hungary had made three contracts covering nuclear plant construction, operation of new nuclear power units and nuclear fuel supply. He said that there were no delays in the Paks expansion project and new construction would begin in 2018.
Mr. Lázár added the Government continued talks with the European Commission to settle issues related to EC procurement and bidding procedures.