Atomexpo 2015
back to contentsIn her speech at the opening ceremony Agneta Rising, Director General of the World Nuclear Association (WNA), stressed that demand for nuclear power was growing on the global scale. Over 60 reactors are currently under construction all over the world but the growth of nuclear power is insufficient to offset global climate changes. “We should recognize significance of the industry for all the emerging nuclear countries, and we see interest towards it growing. This year Atomexpo has attracted a record large number of delegates. I would like to thank Rosatom for the invitation to the forum which facilitates development of the global nuclear industry,” stressed Agneta Rising.
Jacques Regaldo, Chairman of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), thanked Rosatom for the opportunity to speak at the opening ceremony. He noted that the forum was devoted to international cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear energy. All forum participants are involved in tackling current challenges faced by the nuclear industry. “The forum is an important venue for key industry players to share their views. This is where we can discuss how international cooperation can secure a successful future for the industry,” he said. According to Mr. Regaldo, the nuclear industry is changing, and nuclear operators, government bodies and other industry players should respond to arising challenges. He stressed the importance of acquiring young talents for the industry. “I believe the nuclear industry gives the younger generation an opportunity to develop personal and technical skills on the international level.”
At the end of the opening ceremony, Rosatom CEO Sergei Kirienko thanked the audience. “Dear Sirs, I would like to welcome all of you – ministers, ambassadors, presidents, nuclear executives and all the others who are present here. This forum is exceptional for us as this year Russia celebrates the 70th anniversary of the national nuclear industry. Last year, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the world’s first nuclear power station in Obninsk.” According to Mr. Kirienko, the role of nuclear power is growing every year. “The global nuclear industry has recovered after the Fukushima disaster in terms of construction volumes. This recovery is more than just a return to the base line – the nuclear industry keeps on developing and evolving,” he stressed. “Nuclear life cycles are changing, and so is geography. With new technologies emerging, partnerships and mutual dependence grow stronger. All this turns the nuclear industry into a unique point of international contact. This is the reason why this meeting is of great importance for us to discuss bilateral cooperation and conditions we create for successful development of the nuclear industry”, said Kirienko.