Atomexpo 2015: Quotes
back to contentsTakuya Hattori, JAIF President, Japan:
We have pulled through the impacts of Fukushima and strive to preserve nuclear technologies for future generations.
Sergey Kirienko, Rosatom CEO, Russia:
The global nuclear community has recovered after the Fukushima disaster.
New solutions focus on closing the nuclear fuel cycle rather than on reactor technologies.
Julio de Vido, Federal Planning Minister, Argentina:
Argentina plans to expand the share of nuclear power up to 25% by 2030. This environment-friendly and cheap power source fosters technical development of emerging countries as nuclear power has given rise to many industries, space included. Today Argentina operates 3 nuclear stations, with the last one commissioned in early 2015. Not long ago we made an agreement with Russia and China on the construction of 3 more nuclear power plants with a total capacity of about 2,600 MW.
Agneta Rising, Director General, World Nuclear Association:
More than 80% of Hungarian population stands for the nuclear industry development.