Designing a reactor for Indonesia
back to contentsIndonesia will study the concept design and organize a tender for the construction of an RDE-based nuclear station. Development of a cogeneration nuclear station is a part of Indonesia’s national nuclear program. In April 2015, the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia announced a Russian-Indonesian consortium as the winner of the bidding process to design a pilot multi-purpose high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. Along with two Indonesian companies (Rekayasa Engineering and Kogas Driyap Consultant), the consortium includes Rosatom’s subsidiary NUKEM Technologies GmbH. NUKEM will be assisted by other Rosatom Group companies (Atomstroyexport, OKBM Afrikantov, and Luch Research Institute and Production Association) having solid expertise in the reactor design and construction. OKBM Afrikantof (an engineering company and a subsidiary of Atomenergomash, Rosatom’s nuclear engineering division) will act as a general designer of the project.
Rusatom International Network will be in charge of drafting tender documents and coordinating activities of Rosatom Group companies.
Innovative high-temperature gas-cooled reactors are new for the civil nuclear industry and open a new market segment as they can be used in non-generation applications and hydrogen economy. Thanks to high efficiency (energy conversion efficiency of up to 50%), this technology reduces power generation costs, features a flexible fuel cycle and high levels of passive safety, and supports nuclear non-proliferation.
High-temperature gas-cooled reactors can run on either uranium or plutonium and use thorium as a fertile material. They are cooled with gas and therefore allow for higher temperatures of the coolant exiting the reactor. Graphite is used as a moderator.