February news from nuclear construction sites
back to contentsNovovoronezh NPP
Novovoronezh NPP Unit 6 to be launched later this year is ready for the start-up procedure. In February, solenoid stepper drives of the reactor control and protection system (RCPS) passed hot functional tests and proved their performance under realistic conditions.
Equipment designers from OKB GIDROPRESS (a subsidiary of Atomenergomash, Rosatom’s nuclear engineering division) are about to complete the checks before the steppers are installed in the reactor at the startup phase.
The stepper drive is a hi-tech device used in the startup process to adjust power and shut down the reactor by inserting RCPS control rods into, or retracting them from, the reactor core.
Rostov NPP
The startup of Rostov NPP Unit 4 is scheduled for 2017. Installation of the main circulation pumps began in the reactor island of Unit 4 earlier this month. A total of four pumps will be used to ensure the coolant flow in the primary loop and heat removal from the reactor core. An assembled circulation pump weighs more than 140 tons.
As soon as the main circulation pumps are installed, workers will begin assembling the main circulation circuit that connects all the primary loop equipment – the reactor, steam generators and main circulation pumps.
The circuit assembly process requires quality control at each step. Each welded seam will be inspected with a variety of techniques, including visual, dimensional, x-ray, penetrant and ultrasonic examinations.
Beloyarsk NPP
The BN-800 fast reactor at Beloyarsk NPP Unit 4 passed all the tests in accordance with the reactor startup program and was found to meet its design parameters. At present, the unit continues to generate power at 50% of its rated capacity.
Rostechnadzor (Russia’s supervisory and regulatory authority) is expected soon to issue a permit to proceed to the pilot operation mode when the power output will be raised stepwise to finally reach 100% of the rated capacity.
After that the unit will be put in commercial operation. The BN-800 reactor is planned to generate nearly 3,500 million kWh during 2016.
Smolensk NPP
Although Unit 1 of Smolensk NPP-2 is not scheduled for commissioning before 2027, work is going full tilt already to prepare the construction site. Rostechnadzor is expected to issue a construction permit this September, according to Alexander Vasiliev, Smolensk NPP Director.
Among other permits already obtained are regulatory approvals of the Federal Natural Resources Management Service and a hygiene certificate issued by the Federal Biomedical Agency last year. Approval was also given to the feasibility study of Smolensk NPP-2 project by Rosatom’s regulatory affairs department.
“One of Rosatom’s priority tasks for 2016 is to obtain documents of title to the chosen construction site. Other tasks are to have the site survey results approved by the regulator and obtain a construction license for Smolensk NPP-2. Relevant documents were submitted to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision in September 2015,” Alexander Vasiliev said.
A visit of Rostechnadzor inspectors is scheduled for the 29th of February. They will stay on the site till the 4th of March to analyze whether the nuclear station in Smolensk is ready for the construction of new reactor units.