Improving cooperation with Algeria
back to contentsThe first meeting of the Russian-Algerian committee on civil nuclear cooperation took place in Algeria. The meeting was chaired jointly by Mohammed Derdour, Head of the Algerian Atomic Energy Commission (COMENA), and Nikolai Drozdov, Director of Rosatom’s International Business Department. Details of negotiations have not been disclosed. It is known, however, that the parties have developed a plan to take their partnership to a new level. According to the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, the key discussion topics were construction of a Russian-designed nuclear station in Algeria, development of the national nuclear infrastructure and non-electric applications of nuclear energy, particularly in medicine.
In September 2014, Russia and Algeria signed an intergovernmental agreement on peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The agreement covers a number of areas, including construction of nuclear power plants and research reactors in Algeria, reactor-based heat generation and water-desalination facilities, joint geological surveys, exploration and development of uranium deposits, fuel fabrication, spent fuel management, radioactive waste disposal and reprocessing. The parties have also announced plans to use nuclear technologies in agriculture, biology, soil science, water studies, industry and medicine, including fabrication of nuclear isotopes.
“The key cooperation project might be construction of a Russian-designed nuclear station with a VVER reactor,” Rosatom CEO Sergei Kirienko said after the signing ceremony. “We welcome Algeria’s plans for the national power industry development and are ready to offer a Generation 3+ nuclear plant design that meets the highest safety standards.” Russia will also support Algeria by providing training for Algerian nuclear engineers. The first 10 Algerians have started their post-graduate training course at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI).