Products and Technologies of the Future
back to contentsThe event was arranged by Rosatom in association with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Russian Venture Company (RVC). Its goal is to support hi-tech manufacturers and service providers in the key national industries. The panel discussion, which took place on the first day of the forum, was entirely devoted to key challenges of the future and how Russia could become a global technology leader. A great contribution to this transformation is made by Rosatom, and we have an opportunity to see how it evolves from an established national nuclear industry leader into an international hi-tech company driven by the development of new businesses. “We have set ourselves an ambitious goal of receiving at least 30% of our revenue from new products,” said Kirill Komarov, Rosatom’s First Deputy CEO for International Business.
This is best exemplified by Rosatom’s recent emergence as a wind power market player. “Why did we enter the wind market? Because this is the same power market where we have been working for years. Rosatom’s mechanical engineering division AtomEnergoMash is able to manufacture much of wind power equipment with no considerable investment. We have money, and we are ready to invest them. We also have highly qualified workforce for this purpose. It is true that we did not have technology, but it did not put us off – we decided to join efforts with Dutch company Lagerway. Our plans are to organize the production in Russia,” Kirill Komarov said.
Similar priorities
According to Mr. Komarov, Rosatom is heavily involved in the National Technology Initiative (NTI). “This is a program that will shape Russia’s future and define the most viable industries, technologies and hi-tech products that will be competitive both on the domestic and international markets,” he noted. Rosatom has a hand in at least five out of nine areas fostered by the NTI. These include health care, green energy, security, robotics, etc., Komarov says. “Today’s forum is an excellent opportunity for us and our partners to consider future prospects of new technologies. It also gives us a chance to have a more general discussion about the future of our country and technologies to secure its sustainable development for 15 or even 20 years ahead,” Kirill Komarov added.
Cooperation with RVC
At the forum, Rosatom signed a cooperation agreement with the Russian Venture Company (RVC). The document provides for joint development and promotion of high technologies and innovations created by Rosatom’s R&D and manufacturing divisions. “We have many innovations and technologies. For different reasons, some of them need additional input to be launched to the market. RVC is a perfect match in this sense as it can share our risks or find reliable partners, including private investors, for our projects. Our cooperation with RVC will start with a roadshow to present Rosatom Group companies manufacturing new products,” Komarov noted. The roadshow will demonstrate new technologies in robotics, health care, energy, additive manufacturing and other areas.
“RVC will help us summarize the latest global market trends and technology solutions offered by market players. This will give us a chance to take a deep dive and see which of our new products can be competitive,” Kirill Komarov told journalists after signing the agreement.