It Is All About Workforce
back to contentsRusatom International Network (RIN) signed two documents providing for cooperation with educational institutions. The first document, a memorandum of understanding, was signed with Hungary’s University of Debrecen. It provides for cooperation between the parties in joint research and educational efforts, including lectures, bilateral seminars, publication of learning aids, implementation of student exchange programs with Russia’s engineering universities. “Rosatom is historically committed to promoting cooperation in research and education. I am especially pleased to see one of Hungary’s leading universities join the list of our partners,” noted Alexander Merten, President of Rusatom International Network.
The parties also agreed to consider the possibility of establishing a department to train nuclear industry professionals at the University of Debrecen. “The cooperation between the University of Debrecen and Rosatom is extremely important for Hungary and the university itself. Both the company and the university can greatly increase their competitiveness by putting together their earlier developments (including those related to fabrication of medical isotopes and isotope carriers),” noted Zoltán Szilvássy, rector of the University of Debrecen.
Cooperation with SPbU
RIN will also join efforts with Saint Petersburg University (SPbU) in promoting public acceptance of nuclear energy outside Russia. Their activities will be aimed at telling the target audience about the benefits of Russia’s nuclear technologies, facilitating the promotion of Rosatom’s products and services, and representing the Russian school of education and research. As part of such joint activities, the parties intend to organize humanitarian, cultural and environmental projects and events, and international conferences both in and outside Russia. The representatives of SPbU’s academic community will be engaged as lecturers at foreign universities, take part in preparing training aids on nuclear engineering for foreign colleges and universities.
Cooperation with Bolivia gathers pace
Another important document was the memorandum signed by Rosatom América Latina and the Higher University of San Andres (also known by its Spanish acronym UMSA). “This document enables us to take part in such cooperation efforts as staff exchange, development and implementation of joint projects related to public acceptance and human resources, the award of special scholarships to students, bilateral seminars, joint preparation of learning aids and so on,” said UMSA rector Dr. Waldo Albarracín.
Education is a key to public acceptance, said Ivan Dybov, Director of Rosatom América Latina. “In terms of public acceptance, there is no better alternative than education. That is why Rosatom gives special focus to this area. The signing of this memorandum with UMSA – our second memorandum with a Bolivian university – will not only benefit the quality of research and education at the country’s major university, but also help raise the public awareness of nuclear technologies and its benefits for Bolivia’s people,” he noted.
As Bolivia evolves the non-energy areas of its nuclear industry, the signing of the document opens up diverse opportunities for the Bolivian students to gain extensive expertise in the non-energy areas of civil nuclear and access the benefits of modern nuclear technologies for Bolivia’s agriculture, medicine, industry etc.
Other Agreements
The Paris Institute of Technology (officially Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées ParisTech, or ENSTA ParisTech) and the National Research University (MEPhI) agreed to expand its research cooperation and academic exchange, and run joint research programs, seminars etc.
Similar arrangements were made with France’s Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN), which also signed such agreement on cooperation in education and staff training. The first joint project of such kind will be the French-Russian research paper contest for students.