Short News
back to contentsFinnish Fennovoima has passed another stage on its way to signing the Hanhikivi NPP construction contract. The Voimaosakeyhtiö SF stockholders (the company that owns Fennovoima) gave their reply to the investment project filed to them in the beginning of September, suggesting the start of a new NPP in the Pyhäjoki region by 2024. 45 of 60 stockholders decided to stay in Fennovoima. The energy produced by Hanhikivi will be distributed among the project members, the company’s stockholders. According to the final decisions 84% of energy produced at the station has been already distributed between investors. The Voimaosakeyhtiö SF companies will receive more than a half (50,28 %) of energy produced by the plant with the power of 1200 MW. The supposed share of Rosatom is about the third part (34%).
The Bangladeshi delegation visited the Belarus NPP construction site, willing to see the result of construction and installation works of the preparatory period and to conduct negotiations for the first stage of construction and installation works “up to first concrete” at the Ruppur site. The guests examined construction and mounting base, infrastructure objects, looked at pit preparation works for units 1 and 2. The Bangladeshi representatives thanked Belarusian side and the NIEAP management for their hospitality and visit arrangements and expressed confidence that what they had seen at the Belarus NPP site would help them to estimate the standard amount and type of preparatory works and solve technical problems while preparing the contract.
OKBM Afrikantov (one of the leading nuclear engineering design organizations of Russia, scientific and production center) took part in the 25-th Power-Gen International Forum in Orlando (USA). The company presented models of its innovative reactor units: BN-800 fast-breeder reactor, RITM-200 and KLT-40C marine installations, reactor units of small and medium power ABV, VBER-300 and GT-MGR. Power-Gen International deals with 4 main thematic blocks: international atomic power, energy production, financial forum for electrical power generation and renewable power generation. There were more than 70 round-table sessions held as the forum business part.
The Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (NIIAR) in Dimitrovgrad held an International research and technology seminar, where Rosatom, the US Ministry of Energy and Commissariat of Atomic Energy (France) discussed scientific research directions for the MBIR multipurpose fast breeder reactor. MBIR is meant for reactor studies, including testing of new types of fuel, various coolants, fuel and construction materials. Foreign participants showed big interest in creating MBIR on the NIIAR basis and in doing experimental research, using unique capabilities of the reactor, including experiments started at the BOR-60 reactor after its operation life was over.
The Czech company Arako from Opava delivered more than 1000 units of reinforcement bars for unit 1 of the Novovoronezh NPP’s second stage. The delivery includes instrument and control valves and bellows-sealed cutout valves. The total cost of the batch is more than RUB 11 million (about EUR 400 thousand). The contract for reinforcement supply for the Novovoronezh NPP-2 and unit 4 of the Rostov NPP was signed in July 2013. The total sum of the contract exceeds CSK (Czech korunas) 53 million. During 40 years of its work Arako has provided reinforcement bars to 23 nuclear plants in Russia and other countries.