Atomexpo 2015: Science and Education
back to contentsAtomexpo 2015 featured the International Academic Cooperation as a Tool to Foster Sustainable Development of Nuclear Technologies, a round table discussion with representatives of Rosatom, the Russian Science Foundation, the European Nuclear Education Network, the Russian Academy of Sciences Nuclear Safety Institute, Rosatom’s Central Institute for Continuing Education and Training (CICET), the Polytechnic University of Milan, Russia’s National Nuclear Research University and the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute.
The discussion was centered on the international academic cooperation as a tool to improve nuclear power safety. A report on this topic was presented by Alexander Bychkov, a former IAEA Deputy Director General and an advisor to Rosatom CEO. “The topic of our round table discussion – international cooperation on nuclear power safety – highlights priorities of the nuclear nations. We pay close attention to emerging nuclear countries and their approach to handling safety issues,” said Mr. Bychkov. According to him, a multi-cultural environment is a driver behind the development of nuclear power. “I would like to mention perfect examples of how this environment is created in Russia. Apart from results, we focus on training high-class professionals. The same goal is pursued by the Ministry of Education and Skolkovo. A good example of this approach is partnership between the National Nuclear Research University (MEPhI) and the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN),” stressed Alexander Bychkov.