Rusatom Service Supplied Pipes for Temelin NPP
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#172May 2017

Rusatom Service Supplied Pipes for Temelin NPP

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SPTA (pipes for water removal) for RCP-195M (reactor coolant pump) was delivered to Temelin NPP (Czech Republic). The equipment was delivered under the Contract between Rusatom Service JSC and ALTA a.s. The due date from the moment of the delivery terms acknowledgement by the Customer up to the shipment moment equaled to 4 calendar months, in compliance with the contract. The pipes for water removal were manufactured at the Russian enterprise CKBM JSC (Saint-Petersburg) specialized in production of the pumping equipment for the atomic energy and comprised into Rosatom Machine Engineering Division – Atomenergomash. Reactor coolant pumps provide intensive coolant circulation in the reactor primary circuit and ensure heat removal from the reactor core.