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#Central Africa
Nuclear’s Benefits for Africa
More and more African countries are expressing their interest in developing nuclear infrastructure programmes. Pro-atom activist, founder of Africa4Nuclear Princess Mthombeni talks about benefits of nuclear energy for the region,…
Nuclear Women
Princess Mthombeni is an award-­winning international communication specialist, founder of Africa4Nuclear YouTube channel and lifelong nuclear technology advocate from South Africa. Her globally recognized work involves providing high-level strategic support…
Benefitting the Nature and the Public
Rosatom has launched a number of social initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa, a region of its operation. These range from supporting schoolchildren in low-income communities to fighting poaching. Here is our…
Nuclear in South Africa: History and Prospects
South Africa was one of the first countries on the continent to become involved with nuclear technologies. Professor James Larkin, Director of the Radiation and Health Physics Unit at WITS…
How Isotopes Can Save Rhinos
What is the connection between African rhinoceros and isotopes? It became immediate this mid-­May. Rhisotope (rhino + isotope) Project aims at proving that isotopes might help saving those ancient animals…
Nuclear Can Help Africa Jumpstart its 4th Industrial Revolution
One-out-of-two people in sub-Saharan Africa do not have access to electricity, and for the next two decades the power demand will increase exponentially. How can nuclear solve many continent problems,…