Nuclear Power Plant for Sudan
back to contentsThe document was signed by Dmitri Bazhenov, Marketing & Business Development Director at Rusatom Overseas (a Rosatom Group company), and Musa Omer Abu El-Gasim, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity of Sudan.
The parties agreed to carry out a feasibility study for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Sudan. The study includes site surveys and estimation of key project parameters, such as technical solutions to be used, capacity, core equipment, project schedules and milestones, and financing mechanisms.
“A nuclear power plant can help Sudan deal with its energy security problem. It is a large-scale, strategic project which will set the pace for relationships between our countries for years ahead,” Dmitri Bazhenov said.
Civil nuclear cooperation between Russia and Sudan started earlier this year after Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visited Sochi (Russia) on 24 November 2017 and signed a framework agreement with Russia on peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The agreement was preceded by the memorandum of understanding made between Rosatom and the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity of Sudan in June within on the margins of Atomexpo 2017 held in Moscow.