Rosatom Came to Thermal Power
back to contentsNon-atomic project means increasing the level of diversification for Rosatom, which, in its turn, means stability of its main business along with growth of income and profit from operations at different markets. The start-up of unit 1 of the Yuzhnouralskaya GRES-2 should become Rosatom’s pass to thermal power. The construction of new GRES was started in August 2010, five kilometers away from the working one, which two years later celebrated its 60-th anniversary. The amount of investments into unit 1 was more than RUB 10 billion. The output-input ratio of the new installment is one of the highest – 55,2%. According to local authorities, the object is important for the region’s competitiveness. “The cost of electric energy in the country is very high, there are many old stations which are not very efficient, – say authorities, – we consume gas but we don’t get appropriate economic benefit. Putting into operations plants like that one, we can expect fixed energy fares”. Energy system of South Urals is deficient which means there is a need for new thermal energy objects.
“The Yuzhnouralskaya GRES-2 is not a less complicated task than nuclear objects that we have been constructing for many years, – says Kirill Komarov, Deputy General Director for Development and International Business. – We build not only nuclear plants but also other complicated engineering objects”.
Starry cast
Obtaining the contract wasn’t easy at all. The tender committee studied 8 offers in total, among which were Russian and foreign companies. Taking into consideration high competitiveness of Atomstroyexport, later joint with NIAEP, the OGK-3 committee (Wholesale generating company-3) acknowledged them as winners in 2009. Three years later they decided that the same contractor would do units 2 and 3 as well.
The NIEAP-ASE joint company constructs its units with a good pace, within the budget limits and with good quality, appropriate for nuclear power objects”, – say the OGK-3 representatives, controllers of the YUGRES. OGK-3 is a Russian energy company, created as a result of “UES of Russia” RJSC reorganization. It includes 6 electric power stations – Kostromskaya, Pechorskaya, Cherepetskaya, Kharanorskaya, Gusinoozerskaya and Yuzhnouralskaya GRES. It’s more than 5% of all generating powers of “UES of Russia” RJSC. Supplying boiler equipment to the Yuzhnouralskaya GRES-2 is conducted by Atomenergomash, Rosatom’s machine-building division. Electrotechnical concern Siemens also takes part. As experts say, such a “starry cast” will make everyone believe that the YUGRES-2 is to become a model for Russian thermal generation construction.
Another advantage is that, while constructing unit 2, General Contractor used its own innovation – Multi-D – which optimizes the usage of resources, modelling technological processes of NPP construction before the work begins. Besides, the technology allows information sharing between all project’s participants.
“Today we are working on information 3D-model of unit 2, – says Nikolay Petrenko, NIAEP-ASE Vice-President. The model can synchronize the issue of working documentation, equipment supply, construction and installation works”.
Unit 2 of the YUGRES will be launched in a year. The success of it may result in new contracts for nuclear industry companies. Thus we may suppose that in the nearest future the same contractor will be able to build NPPs, wind and gas steam plants, forming energy infrastructure of economic area.
The contract says: YUGRES-2 – condensation gas and steam power station (PGU-KES) consisting of three power units with total capacity of 1200 MW with additional buildings and communications. Each unit consists of SGT-4000F Siemens gas-turbine installment, P-140 waste-heat recovery unit, produced by ZiO-Podolsk and SSТ-3000 condensation-type steam-turbine plant, also produced by Siemens.