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“We were able to make sure ourselves that Smolensk plant has a well-established valve diagnostics,” Radek Sladki, head of valve servicing department at Temelin NPP (Czech Republic), said at a workshop held at Smolensk NPP. Organized by the World Association of Nuclear Operators, the experience exchange forum brought together engineers from Temelin and Smolensk plants and a WANO resident at Smolensk NPP. Temelin plant shortly is to launch a large-scale program to repair valves and drive mechanisms; in this context the Czech colleagues are interested in similar experience the Russian plants have in this area, which would be handy for them. During the visit they ascertained that Smolensk plant did a lot of work in the field of valve diagnostics. The plant has a special unit, which works in this area; also, third party contractors are engaged to inspect the equipment.
The work is done
Ukraine’s Turboatom has completed all 16 modules of a first of two condensers to replace the existing ones at Novovoronezh-5. Each condenser consists of two casings that house 8 modules each. Under the contract awarded to Turboatom in 2013, the company will replace 500-megawatt turbines’ condensers with copper-nickel tubing with modular condensers having stainless steel tubes. The Ukrainian company is contracted to design, manufacture and supply the equipment and supervise over its installation.
Confirmed commitment
South Africa is negotiating a nuclear power built in the country with ROSATOM, as well as with French representatives, Mandisi Mpahlua, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa to Russia and concurrently to Belarus, said at a round-table session “Russia – South Africa.” At the same time, Vusi Mveli, council ambassador for economic affairs of the RSA embassy to Russia, noted, there is just one plant in operation in the RSA and we feel a great shortage of electricity; in particular, we have asked Russia to help us to build a nuclear power plant. Earlier, South Africa President Jacob Zuma confirmed the commitment to the nuclear power development plans; the RSA plans to build 9.6 MW of new generating capacities. The National Planning Commission has set solar and wind energies as priorities.