Waste reduction
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#75February 2015

Waste reduction

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Open Society SverdNIIkhimmash (a part of Rosatom machine-building division Atomenergomash) has completed development and manufacturing of equipment and containers for mobile modular complex on low level waste (LLW) processing. FSUE RosRAO company, specializing on the processing of radioactive waste, became the initiator of creation and the ordering party of the mobile facility.

Modular complex of solid radioactive waste processing — the pilot prototype of equipment intended to reduce LLW volumes at the location of their production or temporary disposal to increase the efficiency of further operations on waste management (transportation, storage).

The mobile facility on low level waste processing is the first of its kind. It represents a complex of process equipment installed in mobile containers.

Containers are visually practically the same as common transport containers. The whole complex of procedures on LLW processing will be performed in them: acceptance and opening of certified containers, sorting and fragmentation of LLW, deactivation and consolidation (prepressing) of waste.

«One of the key advantages of the complex is the possibility of quick deployment and commencement of waste processing without serious preparation works. Low level waste will be processed in situ, without transportation. A special brigade can take this equipment to any location. Besides, new mobile facility will allow saving on design and construction of a complex of buildings used to process waste of such type», — noted Dmitry Kukiev, the chief of Open Society SverdNIIkhimmash research department.

«As of today, low level waste covers the most part of the amount of work on decommissioning of nuclear facilities, repair, rehabilitation of territories. The aspiration to develop such complex was directed to solve the task on reduction of their volumes», — declared Sergey Syomin, the project head of FSUE RosRAO design and technological department.

The complex will allow reducing low level waste volumes by two-three times and processing of about 250 cubic meters of RAW a year.

Experts of Ural territorial district branch of FSUE RosRAO will be responsible for run-in test of the complex. The branch is currently occupied in obtaining all necessary permits in regulatory authorities to commence full-rate operation of the complex.

«Efficiency of this complex will be assessed in 2015 following the results of equipment operation, and the decision was made on the expediency to replicate and operate similar complexes at other nuclear facilities», — informed Sergey Syomin, the project head from FSUE RosRAO.


Open Society SverdNIIkhimmash is the engineering centre of the nuclear complex of Russia, which performs functions of the leading organization of the branch on creation of equipment and complex technological centers for radiochemical production, nuclear fuel cycle, processing and disposal of radioactive waste.