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back to contentsOn August 22 Indian engineers started an advanced training course in heat treatment in Ranchi, India. The course is taught by experts from the Central Research Institute for Machine Building Technology (a subsidiary of Atomenergomash, Rosatom’s mechanical engineering division).
The education process is organized in the Center for General Engineering and Technical Training (CGETT). Representatives of Indian engineering enterprises will spend 1.5 weeks learning about heat treatment technologies in the production of heavy machinery and power generating equipment. CGETT certificates to be issued to course graduates will be recognized in India as advanced training certificates.
This is the second out of nine courses developed by the Central Research Institute for Machine Building Technology for CGETT . The agreement was concluded in 2015 between the Central Research Institute for Machine Building Technology and India’s Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited.
A set of courses is designed to upgrade skills of Indian engineers in steel making, electro-slag remelting, non-destructive and destructive testing, and gear drive design and manufacturing. The courses range 1.5 weeks to four months in duration. The next course is scheduled for late September.