Clean technology
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#75February 2015

Clean technology

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Atomproekt company (one of leading engineering companies operating in the nuclear industry market, a part of Rosatom ) will perform the conceptual design and prepare the working documentation for the equipment used to remove tritium from liquid waste according to RosRAO request. This is the state corporation enterprise, a specialized organization that is professionally involved in radioactive waste (RAW) processing on a nationwide scale and Radium Institute named after V.G.Khlopin (which performs researches in nuclear physics, radiochemistry, geochemistry and ecology, basically related to nuclear engineering issues), which was chosen by the government of Japan partners on the project on verification of radioactive water processing technology at Fukushima NPP-1.

At the moment it will only be a demonstration facility that will process 48 cubic meters of a simulated solution. It will help master the technology of tritium removal from contaminated water. If the equipment shows good results, the decision will be made to create at Fukushima-1 NPP an industrial complex on LRW processing with 400 cubic meters a day capacity.

Atomproekt specifies that the demonstration facility will be created in the beginning of 2016. Documents and the design shall be ready not later than on June 30th of this year. Contract cost is 6,259,500 roubles, financing is provided from the money resources of RosRAO received as grants of the Japanese research institute Mitsubishi.

Atomproekt already has the experience in development of such complexes. In 2011 experts of the company created together with RosRAO in the territory of Leningrad branch of RosRAO the project of a special facility “Triton” for processing of tritium-contaminated LRW. The facility provides at the output a highly concentrated tritium and fixes it in the form of titan hydride in the minimum volume suitable for safe disposal.