Uranium Assets Consolidated
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#156December 2016

Uranium Assets Consolidated

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This enabled optimization of the company’s structure and was the final step in the consolidation of Rosatom’s foreign uranium mining assets in Uranium One. Uranium One Group acquired a 32.5% stake in the Netherlands-based Uranium One Holding N.V., an indirect owner of Rosatom’s key uranium mining assets outside Russia, from ARMZ. Following the deal, Uranium One Group has finally become a 100% owner Uranium One Holding N.V. Simultaneously, Rosatom’s another subsidiary AtomEnergoProm increased its share in Uranium One Group to 78.4%. “By optimizing Uranium One’s structure, we tap to the best market practices and increase transparency and efficiency of corporate governance to make the company more attractive for international investors and customers. It helps us reach our strategic goals,” noted Vasily Konstantinov, President of Uranium One Group.